

Littelfuse完成對C&K Switches的收購

發布時間:2022-10-08 15:29:44

Littelfuse電子業務部高級副總裁兼總經理Deepak Nayar表示:“我們兩家公司的合并極大地擴展了我們的技術和能力,使我們能夠為我們廣泛的客戶群提供全面的解決方案,覆蓋廣泛的垂直終端市場。“我們的業務高度互補,使我們能夠利用我們共同的上市模式和全球足跡。很高興歡迎C&K員工加入Littelfuse團隊,我們期待他們的貢獻,因為我們將繼續執行我們的長期增長戰略。” C&K的年銷售額超過2億美元,將在公司的電子報告部門進行報告。 Littelfuse通過可用現金和債務的組合為交易對價融資。 相關的幻燈片演示可在Littelfuse.com公司網站的投資者關系、新聞與事件、演示部分獲得。Littelfuse將在公司2022財年第二季度財報電話會議上分享關于C&K的更多細節。


"The combination of our companies significantly expands our technologies and capabilities, enabling us to deliver a comprehensive solutions offering to our broad customer base, across a wide range of vertical end markets," said Deepak Nayar, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Littelfuse Electronics Business. "Our businesses are highly complementary and enable us to leverage our collective go-to-market models and global footprints. It is a pleasure to welcome the C&K employees to the Littelfuse team, and we look forward to their contributions, as we continue to execute on our long-term growth strategy."

C&K has annualized sales of over $200 million and will be reported within the company’s Electronics reporting segment.

Littelfuse financed the transaction consideration through a combination of available cash and debt.

A related slide presentation is available in the Investor Relations, News & Events, Presentations section of the company’s website at Littelfuse.com. Littelfuse will share additional details about C&K during the company’s second quarter of fiscal 2022 earnings conference call.

關于 Littelfuse

Littelfuse (納斯達克股票代碼:LFUS)是一家工業技術制造公司,致力于為可持續發展、互聯互通和更安全的世界提供動力。 Across more than 15 countries, and with approximately 17,000 global associates, we partner with customers to design and deliver innovative, reliable solutions. 服務于超過100,000家最終客戶,我們的產品每天應用于世界各地的各種工業、運輸和電子終端市場。 Learn more a Littelfuse.com.


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